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We present a machine-learning framework to accurately characterize morphologies of Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) host galaxies within $z<1$. We first use PSFGAN to decouple host galaxy light from the central point source, then we invoke the Galaxy Morphology Network (GaMorNet) to estimate whether the host galaxy is disk-dominated, bulge-dominated, or indeterminate. Using optical images from five bands of the HSC Wide Survey, we build models independently in three redshift bins: low $(0<z<0.25)$, medium $(0.25<z<0.5)$, and high $(0.5<z<1.0)$. By first training on a large number of simulated galaxies, then fine-tuning using far fewer classified real galaxies, our framework predicts the actual morphology for $\sim$ $60\%-70\%$ host galaxies from test sets, with a classification precision of $\sim$ $80\%-95\%$, depending on redshift bin. Specifically, our models achieve disk precision of $96\%/82\%/79\%$ and bulge precision of $90\%/90\%/80\%$ (for the 3 redshift bins), at thresholds corresponding to indeterminate fractions of $30\%/43\%/42\%$. The classification precision of our models has a noticeable dependency on host galaxy radius and magnitude. No strong dependency is observed on contrast ratio. Comparing classifications of real AGNs, our models agree well with traditional 2D fitting with GALFIT. The PSFGAN+GaMorNet framework does not depend on the choice of fitting functions or galaxy-related input parameters, runs orders of magnitude faster than GALFIT, and is easily generalizable via transfer learning, making it an ideal tool for studying AGN host galaxy morphology in forthcoming large imaging survey.
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Optimal transport (OT) is a framework that can guide the design of efficient resource allocation strategies in a network of multiple sources and targets. This paper applies discrete OT to a swarm of UAVs in a novel way to achieve appropriate task allocation and execution. Drone swarm deployments already operate in multiple domains where sensors are used to gain knowledge of an environment [1]. Use cases such as, chemical and radiation detection, and thermal and RGB imaging create a specific need for an algorithm that considers parameters on both the UAV and waypoint side and allows for updating the matching scheme as the swarm gains information from the environment. Additionally, the need for a centralized planner can be removed by using a distributed algorithm that can dynamically update based on changes in the swarm network or parameters. To this end, we develop a dynamic and distributed OT algorithm that matches a UAV to the optimal waypoint based on one parameter at the UAV and another parameter at the waypoint. We show the convergence and allocation of the algorithm through a case study and test the algorithm's effectiveness against a greedy assignment algorithm in simulation.
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This technical report presents GPS++, the first-place solution to the Open Graph Benchmark Large-Scale Challenge (OGB-LSC 2022) for the PCQM4Mv2 molecular property prediction task. Our approach implements several key principles from the prior literature. At its core our GPS++ method is a hybrid MPNN/Transformer model that incorporates 3D atom positions and an auxiliary denoising task. The effectiveness of GPS++ is demonstrated by achieving 0.0719 mean absolute error on the independent test-challenge PCQM4Mv2 split. Thanks to Graphcore IPU acceleration, GPS++ scales to deep architectures (16 layers), training at 3 minutes per epoch, and large ensemble (112 models), completing the final predictions in 1 hour 32 minutes, well under the 4 hour inference budget allocated. Our implementation is publicly available at: https://github.com/graphcore/ogb-lsc-pcqm4mv2.
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Privacy, security, and bandwidth constraints have led to federated learning (FL) in wireless systems, where training a machine learning (ML) model is accomplished collaboratively without sharing raw data. Often, such collaborative FL strategies necessitate model aggregation at a server. On the other hand, decentralized FL necessitates that participating clients reach a consensus ML model by exchanging parameter updates. In this work, we propose the over-the-air clustered wireless FL (CWFL) strategy, which eliminates the need for a strong central server and yet achieves an accuracy similar to the server-based strategy while using fewer channel uses as compared to decentralized FL. We theoretically show that the convergence rate of CWFL per cluster is O(1/T) while mitigating the impact of noise. Using the MNIST and CIFAR datasets, we demonstrate the accuracy performance of CWFL for the different number of clusters across communication rounds.
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我们提出了一个将张量网络(TN)方法与加固学习(RL)集成的框架,以解决动态优化任务。我们考虑RL Actor-Critic方法,这是一种解决RL问题的无模型方法,并将TNS作为其政策和价值功能的近似值。我们的“带有张量网络的参与者评论”(ACTEN)方法特别适合具有大型和可分解状态和动作空间的问题。为了说明ACTEN的适用性,我们解决了在两个范式随机模型中对稀有轨迹进行指定的艰巨任务,East模型的眼镜和不对称的简单排除过程(ASEP),后者由于对其他方法特别具有挑战性缺乏详细的平衡。在与现有的RL方法中进一步集成的巨大潜力,此处介绍的方法对物理应用程序的应用和多代理RL问题都有希望。
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我们提出了LOC-NERF,这是一种基于实时视觉的机器人定位方法,结合了蒙特卡洛定位和神经辐射场(NERF)。我们的系统使用预先训练的NERF模型作为环境的地图,可以使用RGB摄像机作为机器人唯一的外部感受传感器实时定位。尽管神经辐射场在计算机视觉和图形中看到了重要的视觉渲染应用,但他们发现机器人技术的用途有限。现有的基于NERF的本地化方法需要良好的初始姿势猜测和重大的计算,这使得它们对于实时机器人技术应用不切实际。通过使用Monte Carlo定位作为使用NERF MAP模型估算姿势的主力,LOC-NERF能够比ART的状态更快地执行本地化,并且不依赖初始姿势估计。除了测试合成数据外,我们还使用ClearPath Jackal UGV收集的实际数据运行系统,并首次证明了使用神经光辉场进行实时全球定位的能力。我们在https://github.com/mit-spark/loc-nerf上公开代码。
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